TexStar ATF T-A Is AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID DEXRON II. It Is A Superior Quality Automatic Transmission Fluid Formulated With High Viscosity Index Base Oils And Selective Additive Package To Obtain Anti-Wear, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Foam Properties And Low Temperature Fluidity. It Provides Excellent Protection Against Wear And Their Frictional Properties Gives Consistent And Smooth Shift Under A Wide Range Of Driving Condition.
TexStar ATF DEX II Is Recommended For Use In Passenger Cars And Light Trucks As Well As Power Steering Which Require Dexron II D Speciation Fluid. It Can Also Be Used In Some Hydraulic System Farm Equipment. It Is Compatible With Seal Material In Transmission Unit.
•Good wear protection properties • Very good ageing and oxidation stability in power steering systems • Successful suppression of foaming prevents from cavitation
Density at 15 ° C | g/ml | 0.868 | DIN 51757 |
Colour | ASTM | 3 | DIN ISO 2049 |
Flash Point, CoC | ° C | 190 | DIN ISO 2592 |
Pour Point | ° C | -42 | DIN ISO 3016 |
Foaming Tendency Seq. I/II/III | ml | 0/0 ; 0/0 ; 0/0 | ASTM D 892 |
Dynamic Viscosity at - 40°C | mPas | 45,000 | DIN 51398 |
Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C | mm²/s | 33.5 | DIN 51562-1 |
Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C | mm²/s td> | 7.0 | DIN 51562-1 |
Viscosity Index | - | 165 | DIN ISO 2909 |
CCS Viscosity at 15- °C | cP | 8700 | ASTM D-5293 |
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