Texcar Super SAE 20W50 is a multigrade API CH4 automotive engine oil, meeting the requirement of mixed fleet oil performance level especially for middle and older engine manufacturer. The additive chemistry used in manufacturing Petroline Super Diesel Plus is performance proven in the field.
Texcar Super SAE 20W50 is a mixed fleet engine oil for heavy-duty diesel engine. Its long drain capability meets the requirement almost to all leading diesel engine manufacturer. It is recommended for both on-highway and off-highway engines for low emissions middle age & and old engines of conventional design fueled by low and high sulfur diesel fuels. Suitable for direct and indirect injection and for Turbo charged and Super charged stationary and mobile Diesel Engines.
- Diesel engine oil for American, European and Japanese vehicles.
Suitable for direct and indirect fuel injection.
- Universal engine oil particular for old and mid-range diesel engine fueled by both high and low Sulphur diesel fuel.
- Proven field-tested engine oil with extended drain period capability.
- Excellent TBN retention for low and high Sulphur diesel fuel operation.
- Effective control over high temperature piston deposits and soot accumulation.
- Excellent dispersant capabilities which will minimize sludge and varnish deposits.
SAE Grade | - | 20W-50 | - |
Specific Gravity @ 15 ºC | - | 0.8970 | ASTM D-4052 |
Viscosity @ 40 ºC | mm²/s | 167.0 | ASTM D-4052 |
Viscosity @ 100 ºC | mm²/s | 18.82 | ASTM D-445 |
Viscosity Index | - | 127 | ASTM D-445 |
Flash Point, COC | ºC | 240 | ASTM D-92 |
Pour Point | ºC | -24 | ASTM D-97 |
Sulphated Ash | % wt. | 1.68 | ASTM D-874 |
Base Number | mg KOH/g | 12.0 | ASTM D-2896 |
CCS Viscosity at 15- °C | cP | 8680 | ASTM D-5293 |
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